Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Quiz: What Paracord Color Are You?

Quiz: What Paracord Color Are You?
Find out where your personality lands you on the paracord color chart

We have an astounding amount of color choices here at Paracord Planet. I don't mean to sound cocky when I say that, either--it's just truly mind-boggling how many colors of paracord exist. When I first explored our warehouse, my jaw just about dropped. All of the different shades of blues, the variety of camo combinations, the multi-colored options; I didn't know where to begin! I do believe, however, that one's paracord color choice says a lot about their personality. I wear two paracord bracelets on my wrist at all time. One, made with Bulldog cord because of my love for dogs, and one made with Kelly Green cord because I love money. What? Judge me. Maybe you have a unique story for why you chose the colors on your wrist, too. However, there is no doubt that one's paracord color choice matches (at least slightly) with their personality. Don't believe me? Take the quiz and see for yourself.

How the quiz works: There will be ten questions with five answers each. Answer each question on a piece of paper. Keep track of all of your answers so that you can grade your scores at the end. You will then count up your amount of "A" answers, "B" answers, "C" answers, "D" answers, and "E" answers. Whichever section, A-E, has the greatest amount of answers in it corresponds to your paracord color. Good luck!

1) What does your ideal Saturday consist of?
  • A. Going shopping
  • B. Going hunting
  • C. Just hanging out, I don't know
  • D. Going out the club
  • E. Taking a hike on the coast
2) What's your favorite television station?
  • A. E!
  • B. Discovery Channel
  • C. The news
  • D. MTV
  • E. I only really watch Shark Week
3) When do you typically wake up?
  • A. Around noon
  • B. Shortly after sunrise
  • C. Probably around 9 am
  • D. No earlier than 3 PM
  • E. Crack of dawn, baby!
4) What would be your dream vacation?
  • A. A trip to New York Fashion Week
  • B. A hunting or fishing trip in northern Minnesota
  • C. I don't really want to vacation
  • D. A trip to Europe to visit some popular clubs and discos
  • E. A trip to Capetown, South Africa
5) What sounds like the perfect date night to you?
  • A. A fancy meal at the Four Seasons
  • B. A boat cruise around the lake
  • C. I don't really like dates
  • D. Dancing in the VIP section at the club
  • E. A romantic hike in search of a water fall
6) Who would you most like to meet?
  • A. Donatella Versace
  • B. Bear Grylls
  • C. Hmm, that's a tough question
  • D. One of the Kardashians
  • E. Kelly Slater
7) What's your favorite food?
  • A. Caviar
  • B. Venison
  • C. Frozen Pizza
  • D. McDonalds or Taco Bell, after a night on the town
  • E. Surf 'n Turf
8) What's your biggest pet peeve?
  • A. Scuffing my new shoes
  • B. Crowds of people
  • C. Noise of any sort
  • D. When the DJ stops playing my jam
  • E. What's to stress? Life is great
9) What kind of accents, additions, etc. do you like on your paracord bracelet?
  • A. Anything shiny
  • B. Fishing line and fire-starting buckles
  • C. Nothing
  • D. Beads!!
  • E. A compass would be handy
10) Where did you first learn about paracord?
  • A. One of the fashion magazines I'm subscribed to
  • B. Bear Grylls
  • C. I didn't know about until this blog post
  • D. From someone I met at the bar
  • E. Somebody left a bracelet on the beach and I found it
Count up your final total of A's answered, B's answered, C's answered, D's answered, and E's answered, and then scroll down to see what this says about how your personality meshes with our paracord colors.

If your highest total was in the A's: Congrats! You are Diamonds cord.

What this means: You have a knack for the glamour and glitz. People are always complimenting you on your fashion sense, and you never leave the house without something shiny on. Diamonds cord is perfect for you.

If your highest total was in the B's: Congrats! You are Multi-Camo cord.
What this means: You love the great outdoors. Whether it's fishing or hunting, winter or summer, it doesn't matter. Your paracord bracelet needs to be functional, survival-ready, and, of course, camouflage. Multi-Camo cord is perfect for you.

If your highest total was in the C's: Congrats! You are Olive Drab cord.
What this means: You are consistent. Some may say 'boring,' perhaps, but you're consistent! You don't need to be around noise, crowds, or anything of the like. You'd prefer to just relax on the couch. And that's fine. Everybody needs some Olive Drab in their life.

If your highest total was in the D's: Congrats! You are Party cord!

What this means: You like to have a good time. Your ideal night is spent out on the town with some friends, and everybody calls you the life of the party! Naturally, you need a paracord color that can match your pizzazz. Party cord is perfect for you.

If your highest total was in the E's: Congrats! You are Tropical cord!

What this means: You probably live by a large body of water. If not, you wish you did! You love hiking, surfing, exploring, and anything else you can do outside or on a coastline. You need a type of paracord like Tropical cord on your wrists.

If none of these answers sounded like you, then don't you worry: your paracord color is still out there. You just may have to discover it for yourself!! Tell us about what color best describes your personality on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, or Instagram. Can't wait to hear from you :) #HappyCording

Written By: Jackson Yakowicz
Contact at
To read more of Jack's blog, click here.

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