Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Paracord May Day Baskets

Paracord May Day Baskets
How to celebrate May 1st with paracord creations

Growing up, May was my favorite month of the year. Not only was it my birthday month (wish me “Happy Birthday” on the 11th) but it also signified the start of spring and the waning weeks of the school year. Oh, plus there was May Day. I remember making cones out of construction paper, filling them to the brim with small candies, and hanging them from my neighbors’ doors. After ringing door bells, I ran for my life, because girls still had cooties back then.

The roots of May Day can be traced back to “The Festival of Flora” around 170 BC wherein the Roman goddess of flowers was celebrated. As Europe became Christianized, May Day took on a more secular premise, with traditions of dancing around the maypole (a small wooden pole common at European folk festivals) and crowning the Queen of May. By the time the tradition of May Day came to the United States, celebrations evolved into encompassing the elements of the holiday we know today.

Although May Day traditions vary by neighborhood, city, and region, the basic customs in the United States are similar. First, you fill baskets with candies, flowers, or toys. After the basket has been filled, you are to write the recipient’s name on the outside of the basket and then deliver the basket to said recipient’s house. After you place the basket on the doorstep or door handle, you ring the doorbell or knock on the door. Then, you run away from the house before the recipient has time to see who delivered the basket. If the recipient catches you, a kiss is exchanged. Anonymity is the key to a proper May Day celebration.

The sad realization I came to while writing this blog was that the May Day tradition has decreased substantially in modern times. Some of my fondest memories came from constructing those May Day baskets and delivering them to my crushes in the neighborhood. Naturally, it was heartbreaking to see that less and less children are celebrating the great tradition these days. So, this is my challenge for the parents reading this blog: BRING BACK MAY DAY BASKETS. Teach your kids the history behind the holiday, and have them fill their baskets with paracord! Paracord scraps or small handmade crafts such as critters, bracelets, and lanyards are perfect for a May Day basket.

For more ideas, visit our Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, or Instagram to learn new tutorials and preview our best paracord discounts. If you plan on making a "Paracord May Day Basket," let us know below!

Happy Cording.

Written by: Jackson Yakowicz

Contact at

To read Jack's full blog, visit here.

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